Geophysics Research Group Publications
Below are the contributions of the UNL Geophysics researchers since 2016 (bolded); *denotes Filina lab graduate or undergraduate student author.
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
in press | Geological and Geophysical Constraints Guiding New Tectonic Reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico (invited book chapter) I. Filina, E. Beutel, Tectonic Processes: a Global View, Volume 1. Extensional Tectonics: Continental Breakup to Formation of Oceanic Basins, editors I.Çemen, E. Catlos, published by Wiley-Blackley for AGU, |
2024 | Morris, A. M., Lambart, S., Stearns, M. A., Bowman, J. R., and IODP396 Science Party, Evidence for low‐pressure crustal anatexis during the Northeast Atlantic break‐up, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 25, e2023GC011413, |
2023 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, New 2.75-D gravity modeling reveals the low-density nature of propagator wakes in the Juan de Fuca plate, Tectonophysics, |
2023 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, Zones of weakness within the Juan de Fuca plate mapped from the integration of multiple geophysical data and their relation to observed seismicity, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 24(10), e2023GC010943, |
2023 | *AlBadi, S., *E. Jacobson, I. Filina, Locating an old well in eastern Nebraska with a low-cost drone-based magnetic surveying system, The Leading Edge, v. 42 (12), p. 824-827, PDF |
2023 | *Guthrie, K., I. Filina, 2023, Two new absolute gravity base stations established in Lincoln, NE, Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, v. 43, pp. 5–12, |
2023 | Berndt, C., IODP396 Science Party, Shallow-water hydrothermal venting linked to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Nature Geosciences, |
2023 | Planke, S., Berndt, C., Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., Agarwal, A., Andrews, G.D.M., Betlem, P., Bhattacharya, J., Brinkhuis, H., Chatterjee, S., Christopoulou, M., Clementi, V.J., Ferré, E.C., Filina, I.Y., Frieling, J., Guo, P., Harper, D.T., Jones, M.T., Lambart, S., Longman, J., Millett, J.M., Mohn, G., Nakaoka, R., Scherer, R.P., Tegner, C., Varela, N., Wang, M., Xu, W., and Yager, S.L., Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, v. 396, doi:10.14379/iodp.proc.396.105.2023 |
2022 | Tréhu, A., M. Tominaga, M. Lyle, K. Davenport, B. Phrampus, J. Favorito, E. Zhang, B. Lenz, S. Shreedharan, S. Yelisetti, the RR1718 science party, The hidden history of the south-central Cascadia subduction zone recorded on the Juan de Fuca plate offshore southwest Oregon, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 23, no. 9, e2021GC010318, doi:10.1029/2021GC010318 |
2022 | Filina, I., Austin, J., Doré, T., Johnson, E., Minguez, D., Norton, I., Snedden, J. and Stern, R.J., Opening of the Gulf of Mexico: What we know, what questions remain, and how we might answer them, Tectonophysics, v. 822, p.229150, Invited review paper, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229150 |
2021 | Filina, I., *L. Hartford, Subsurface structures along the western Yucatan from integrated geophysical analysis, Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 127, paper 104964, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104964 |
2020 | Filina, I., *M. Liu, E. Beutel, Evidence of ridge propagation in the eastern Gulf of Mexico from integrated analysis of potential fields and seismic data, Tectonophysics, v. 775, article 228307, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228307 |
2019 | Filina, I., Crustal architecture of the northwestern and central Gulf of Mexico from integrated geophysical analysis, Interpretation, v. 7, no. 4, pp. T899–T910, doi:10.1190/INT-2018-0258.1 |
2019 | *Liu, M., I. Filina, and P. Mann, Crustal structure of Mesozoic rifting in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from the integration of seismic and potential fields data, Interpretation, v. 7, no. 4, pp. T857–T867, doi:10.1190/INT-2018-0259.1 |
2018 | Filina, I., *K. Guthrie, M. Searls and C. M. Burberry, Seismicity in Nebraska and adjacent states: The historical perspective and current trends, The Mountain Geologist, v. 55, no. 4, pp. 217-229 |
2018 | Burberry, C., J. Swiatlowski, M. Searls and I. Filina, Joint and lineament patterns across the Midcontinent indicate repeated reactivation of basement-involved faults, Geosciences, v. 8, no. 215, doi:10.3390/geosciences8060215 |
Community and professional service papers
2024 | Filina, I., M. Fedi, J. Sun and A. Morgan, Introduction to special section: Gravity, electrical, and magnetic methods, The Leading Edge, v. 43 (4), p. 208, Listen to the associated interview or read an abstract Seismic Soundoff: The untapped potential of nonseismic methods |
2023 | Egorov, V., Dunlap, D.B., Amoyedo, S.O., Filina, I., Gharib, J., Davogustto, O. and Nemeth, B., Organizing a special section. Interpretation, 11(1), pp.1-6, |
2020 | Filina, I., R. Yalamanchili, S. Re, D. Colombo, A. Price, V. Egorov, and G. Liu, Introduction to a special section “Integrated geophysical imaging”, Interpretation, v. 8, no. 4, pp. SSi–SSv, doi:10.1190/INT-2020-0921-SPSEINTRO.1 |
2019 | Filina, I., E. K. Biegert, L. Sander, V. Tschirhart, N. Bundalo, and C. Schiek-Stewart, Integrated imaging: A powerful but undervalued tool, The Leading Edge, v. 38, no. 9, pp. 720-724, doi:10.1190/tle38090720.1 |
Peer-reviewed Extended Abstracts
2020 | Filina, I., Ridge propagation in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico from integrated geophysical modeling, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 915-919, doi: 10.1190/segam2020-3427875.1 |
2017 | Filina, I., Crustal distribution in the central Gulf of Mexico from an integrated geophysical analysis, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 1764-1769, doi: 10.1190/segam2017-17777386.1 |
Conference Abstracts
2023 | Filina, I., *J. Wear, What is the nature of the crust under the outer Voring Plateau and the Voring Spur? American Geophysical Union, paper OS11C-1300 |
2023 | *J. Wear, I. Filina and IODP396 Science Party, 2023, Modeling the Magnetic Signatures of Seaward Dipping Reflectors on the Norwegian Margin, American Geophysical Union, paper OS11C-1294 |
2023 | *H. Lofton, *J. Wear, *M. Madsen, I. Filina, 2023, Mapping tectonic elements and crustal thickness in the Northern Atlantic from public domain geophysical data, American Geophysical Union, paper OS11C-1293 |
2023 | I. Filina, C. Huebscher, J. Preine, T. Häcker, M. Hartge, M. Radaelli, E. Seidel, H. Grob, F. van der Zwan, 2023, Crustal structures of the Bathymetrists Seamounts from integration of gravity, magnetic and seismic data, American Geophysical Union, paper T43D-0287 |
2023 | *A. Islam, I. Filina, 2023, Tectonic History of Diebold Knoll on Juan de Fuca Plate from Integrated Geophysical Analysis, American Geophysical Union, paper T43D-0286 |
2023 | *M. Madsen, I. Filina, 2023, Previously Unrecognized Propagator Wake in the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone? American Geophysical Union, paper T53E-0191 |
2022 | Filina, I., *Fernandez, A., C. Huebscher, Spatial analysis of potential fields over Bathymetrists Seamounts to quantify magmatic underplating and map major faults, American Geophysical Union, paper T32B-07 |
2022 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, Linking key tectonic features of Juan de Fuca plate to observed seismicity in Cascadia Subduction zone, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 54, no. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2022AM-383908 |
2022 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, Mapping seamounts of the Juan de Fuca plate and assessing their clustering from spatial analysis of potential fields, American Geophysical Union, paper T32B-06 |
2022 | *Islam, A., I. Filina, Crustal architecture of the Diebold Knoll on Juan de Fuca plate from integrated geophysical analysis, American Geophysical Union, paper T32B-04 |
2022 | *Fernandez, A., I. Filina, C. Huebscher, Integrated Geophysical Analysis Over Carter Seamount in the Central Atlantic Ocean, American Geophysical Union, paper T32B-05 |
2021 | Filina, I., Beutel, E., Temporal variations in magmatic regime during the opening of the Gulf of Mexico, American Geophysical Union, paper T25E-09 |
2021 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, Assessing the earthquake patterns within the subducting Juan de Fuca Plate, American Geophysical Union, virtual talk T15D-0194 |
2021 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, Propagator wakes of the Juan de Fuca plate - are they weaker or stronger than the surrounding oceanic crust, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 53, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2021AM-370842 |
2021 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, 2D integrated geophysical modeling over Juan de Fuca plate, North - Central GSA meeting, dio:10.1130/abs/2021NC-362862 |
2021 | *Fernandez, A., I. Filina, Relationship between Bathymetrists Seamounts and Sierra Leone Rise from integration of several geophysical methods, American Geophysical Union, paper T45D-0279 |
2021 | *Guthrie, K., I. Filina, Transferring gravity readings to establish an absolute gravity base station on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, American Geophysical Union, paper G35B-0299 |
2020 | Filina I., J. Austin, T. Doré, E. Johnson, E. Lundin, D. Minguez, I. Norton, J. Snedden, R. Stern, The Tectonic History of the Gulf of Mexico – A Comprehensive Review to Chart New Directions, American Geophysical Union, paper T001-0013 |
2020 | Filina I., R. Stern, J. Snedden, I. Norton, D. Minguez, E. Lundin, E. Johnson, T. Doré, J. Austin, Tectonics of the Gulf of Mexico – where we are, and where we are going, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 52, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2020AM-356605 |
2020 | Beutel, E., I. Filina, New observations suggest the need for revised tectonic reconstructions of the Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention, virtual poster 25496144 |
2020 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, Major tectonic features of the Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates mapped from spatial analysis of potential fields, American Geophysical Union, paper T042-03 |
2020 | *Ashraf, A., I. Filina, Integrated 2D geophysical modeling over the Juan de Fuca plate, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v 52, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2020AM-358134 |
2020 | *Fernandez, A., I. Filina, Crustal structures beneath Bathymetrists Seamounts from isostatic modeling, American Geophysical Union, paper DI012-0001 |
2020 | *Guthrie, K., I. Filina, Improving locations of 2018 central Nebraska earthquakes via joint inversion of P- and S- waves’ arrival times, American Geophysical Union, paper T034-0017 |
2020 | *Guthrie, K., I. Filina, Establishing a publicly accessible gravity base station in Lincoln, NE, Geological Society of America, v. 52, no. 6, doi:10.1130/abs/2020AM-357400 |
2019 | Filina, I., *L. Hartford, Integrated analysis of seismic data and potential fields in southeastern Gulf of Mexico with implications to pre-salt sediments and crustal architecture, AAPG Annual Convention, article 90350 |
2019 | Hartley, H., E. Beutel, I. Filina, Incorporation of new data to refine the tectonic history of the Gulf of Mexico 230 Ma - 180 Ma, GSA Southeastern Section, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 51, no. 3, doi:10.1130/abs/2019SE-327156 |
2018 | Filina, I., *L. Hartford, Subsurface structures along the western Yucatan from integrative geophysical analysis, American Geophysical Union, paper T51H-0270 |
2018 | Filina, I., Integration with non-seismic methods: an example from the northern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention, article 2856122 |
2018 | *Liu, M., I. Filina, 2018, Two extinct spreading centers in the eastern Gulf of Mexico from integrated geophysical analysis, American Geophysical Union, paper T44B‑06 |
2018 | Hartley, H., E. Beutel, I. Filina, *M. Liu, A new tectonic model for the Gulf of Mexico 230 Ma-180 Ma based on stress map analysis, American Geophysical Union, paper T44B-05 |
2018 | *Richardson, C., I. Filina, C. Burberry, Geologic history of the New Caledonia Trough from potential fields modeling and tectonic reconstruction, American Geophysical Union, paper T41G-0379 |
2018 | *Hartford, L., I. Filina, Subsurface structure in southeastern Gulf of Mexico from integrative geophysical analysis, AAPG Annual Convention, article 2856598 |
2018 | *Liu, M., I. Filina, Potential fields modelling in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Convention, article 2833347 |
2018 | *Guthrie, K., I. Filina, M Searls, and C. Burberry, Earthquake database for Nebraska as a constrain for Midcontinent rift related faults, North-Central Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, paper 26-2 |
2017 | Filina, I., Where is the Ocean-Continent Boundary in the northwestern and central Gulf of Mexico? American Geophysical Union, paper 279311 |
2017 | Searls, M., I. Filina, C. Burberry, *E. Quartotoli, Midcontinent rift structures in southeastern Nebraska, Geological Society of America, v. 49, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-308250 |
2017 | *Liu, M., I. Filina, Delineation of crustal domains in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from integrated geophysical analysis, Geological Society of America, v. 49, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-296333 |
2017 | *Liu, M., I. Filina, Variations of oceanic crust in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from integrated geophysical analysis, American Geophysical Union, paper 214097 |
2017 | *Guthrie, K., I. Filina, M Searls, Improved map of subsurface structures in SE Nebraska from integrated analysis of earthquake and potential fields datasets, Geological Society of America, v. 49, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-303315 |