Build experience, skills, friendships, and connections that will last a lifetime.
SEAS (Students of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
The SEAS club is open to all students within the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. They meet periodically throughout the academic year. Activities includes department wide picnics, field trips and hosting ‘bad science’ movie nights. They also offer academic support to all EAS students.
UNL American Meteorological Society
The UNL AMS Student Chapter is open to all students interested in weather and climate. The Chapter meets monthly during the academic year and plans several field trips during the year, as well. Meteorology students also chase storms together!
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
The UNL AAPG Student Chapter is open to all students. Membership is paid for by AAPG and includes student membership in AAPG. Student AAPG members receive the AAPG Bulletin twelve times a year. The UNL Student Chapter meets several times a semester and plans a field trip.
EAS Graduate Student Association
The EAS GSA elects a Graduate Student Representative to attend department faculty meetings. We organize student vans to national meetings.
Sigma Xi
Sigma Xi is a scholarly organization that offers student travel grants to national meetings and for fieldwork. Membership is open to all students and faculty who obtain two nominations from existing Sigma Xi members.