Avatar for Cara Burberry

Cara Burberry

Associate Professor Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln


BESY 206
Lincoln NE 68588-0340
402-472-7157 On-campus 2-7157

The Deformation Research Group has two primary research directions; tectonic inheritance, and penetrative strain.  My students and I target these concepts using remote sensing, analog models, fieldwork and integration with available depth data.  Current field areas are the Rocky Mountains, in MT and CO, and I maintain links with colleages in the Middle East.  I have worked in the Zagros Simply Folded Belt, Iran-Iraq, the Kalimantan fold-thrust belt, Indonesia and the Llanos Basin in Colombia, as well as the Ozarks in AR and the Rockies. 

Deformation Research Group Homepage

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Selected Publications

Burberry, C.M. & Peppers, M.H., accepted. Fracture Characterization in Tight Carbonates: an example from the Ozark Plateau, AR. AAPG Bulletin

Lathrop, B.A.* & Burberry, C.M., accepted. Accommodation of penetrative strain during deformation above a ductile décollement. Lithosphere. Available online.

Burberry, C.M. & Palu, J.M., 2016. The influence of the Great Falls Tectonic Zone on the thrust sheet geometry of the southern Sawtooth Range, Montana. The Geological Magazine, v. 153, p. 845-865

Burberry, C.M., Jackson, C. A-L. & Chandler, S.R. 2016. Seismic Imaging of Large-Scale Karst Features in the Persian Gulf; Implications for the Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs. AAPG Bulletin, v. 100, p1561-1584

Schreurs, G., Buiter, S.J.H., Boutelier, J., Burberry, C., Callot, J.-P., Cavozzi, C., Cerca, M., Chen, J-H., Cristallini, E., Cruden, A.R., Cruz, L., Daniel, J-M., Da Poian, G., Garcia, V.H., Gomes, C.J.S., Grall, C., Guillot, Y., Guzman, C., Hidavah, T.N., Hilley, G., Klinkmuller, M., Koyi, H.A., Lu, C-Y., Maillot, B., Meriaux, C., Nilfouroushan, F., Pan, C-C., Pillot. D., Portillo, R., Rosenau, M., Schellart, W.P., Schlische, R.W., Take, A., Vendeville, B., Vergnaud, M., Vettori, M., Wang, S-H., Withjack, M.O., Yagupsky, D. & Yamada, Y., in press.  Benchmarking analogue models of brittle thrust wedges.  Journal of Structural Geology

Burberry, C.M., & Swiatlowski, J.L., 2016. Evolution of a fold-thrust belt deforming above a heterogeneous basement unit: insights from analog models.  Journal of Structural Geology, v. 87, p1-18 

Burberry, C.M., Joeckel, R.M. & Korus, J.T. 2015.  Post-Mississippian tectonics of the Nemaha Tectonic Zone and Mid-Continent Rift System, SE Nebraska and N Kansas.  The Mountain Geologist, v 52 (4) p47-73. 

Burberry, C.M., 2015. Spatial and temporal variation in penetrative strain during compression: insights from analog models.  Lithosphere. v 7, p611-624, Doi: 10.1130/L454.1

Burberry, C.M., 2015.  The effect of basement fault reactivation on the Triassic-Recent geology of Kurdistan, N Iraq.  Journal of Petroleum Geology, v38 (1) p37-58

Zebari, M.M., & Burberry, C.M., 2015.  4D evolution of anticlines and implications for hydrocarbon exploration within the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.  GeoArabia, 20 (1) p161-188.

Burberry, C.M, Jackson, C. A-L. & Cosgrove, J.W. 2011.  Late Cretaceous to Recent deformation, related to inherited structures and subsequent compression within the Persian Gulf: A 2D seismic case study.  Journal of the Geological Society of London, v168 p485-498.

Burberry, C.M, Cosgrove, J.W. & Liu, J-G, 2010. A Study of Fold Amplification and Deformation style using the evolution of the land surface:  Zagros Simply Folded Belt, Iran.  In Robin, C. & Leturmy, P. (eds) Tectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Zagros and Makran during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic, Geological Society of London Special Publication 330, p139-154

Burberry, C.M, Cosgrove, J.W. & Liu, J-G, 2008, Landform morphology and drainage pattern characteristics as an indicator of fold type in the Zagros Simply Folded Belt, Iran, Journal of Maps, v2008, p417-430.