Avatar for Clinton Rowe

Clinton Rowe

Chairperson Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68588-0340
402-472-1946 On-campus 2-1946

My major research area is in physical meteorology and climatology, specifically the fluxes of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary layer. Much of my research has focused on radiative fluxes between vegetated surfaces and the atmosphere, but I have also conducted modeling and field studies investigating energy exchanges over the Greenland ice sheet and their impact on the amount and extent of surface melting. I am currently involved in several research projects concerning land surface-atmosphere interactions in the Nebraska Sand Hills. One of these is investigating how the Sand Hills' unique soil properties affect generation of warm-season mesoscale precipitation over the Sand Hills and surrounding plains. Our findings show that the Sand Hills have a complex set of effects on the atmosphere — in some cases acting to inhibit convective precipitation while in others acting to enhance convection and precipitation generation in the region. These investigations were part of a large, multi-investigator NSF grant to study the Sand Hills as a complex ecosystem. This team of researchers included ecologists, physicists, geologists, hydrologists and meteorologists.

I am also working with Dave Loope and Bob Oglesby to model the climate of Pangea during the Jurassic. We are using the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Simulation Model (CCSM) to simulate the climate of 200 million years ago as part of our research into the environment that led to development of vast eolian formations in what is now the southwestern United States.

I teach courses in physical meteorology as well as graduate seminars in boundary-layer meteorology, climatic change and other topics in meteorology and climatology. In addition, I supervise all Meteorology/Climatology internships.


Ph.D., 1988, University of Delaware

Expertise Areas

Climate modeling, climate change and variability

Selected Publications

Rossman, N.R., Zlotnik, V.A. and Rowe, C.M. (2019) Simulating lake and wetland areal coverage under future groundwater recharge projections: The Nebraska Sand Hills system, Hydrology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.046.

Shiferaw, A., Tadesse T., Rowe C. and Oglesby R. (2018) Precipitation extremes in dynamically downscaled climate scenarios over the Greater Horn of Africa, Atmosphere, 9(3), 112; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9030112.

Rossman, N.R., Zlotnik, V.A. and Rowe, C.M. (2018) Using cumulative potential recharge for selection of 1 GCM projections to force regional groundwater models: a Nebraska Sand Hills example, J. Hydrology, 561: 1105-1114, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.09.019.

Abadi, A.M., Oglesby, R., Rowe, C. and Mawalagedara, R. (2018) Evaluation of GCMs historical simulations of monthly and seasonal climatology over Bolivia, Clim. Dyn., 51: 733-754, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3952-y.

Rossman, N.R., Zlotnik, V.A. and Rowe, C.M. (2017) An approach to hydrogeological modeling of a large system of groundwater-fed lakes and wetlands in the Nebraska Sandhills, Hydrogeology J., 26(3), 881-897, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-017-1691-0.

Oglesby, R., Rowe, C., Grunwaldt, A., Ferreira, I., Ruiz, F., Campbell, J., Alvarado, L., Argenal, F., Olmedo, B., del Castillo, A., Lopez, P., Matos, E., Nava, Y., Perez, C., and Perez, J. (2016) A high-resolution modeling strategy to assess impacts of climate change for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, Am. J. Clim. Change, 5, 202-228.

Oglesby, R. D. Bathke, D. Wilhite, and C. Rowe (2015) Understanding and assessing projected future climate change for Nebraska and the Great Plains. Great Plains Research, 25(2), 97-107