Sunil Narumalani
Visiting Faculty Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
OLDH 1213
Lincoln NE 68588-0310 - Phone
Selected Publications
Rundquist, D., A. Gitelson, M. Lawson, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, R. Perk, J.
Keck, D. Mishra, and S. Narumalani, 2009, Proximal sensing of coral
features: spectral characterization of sidastrea siderea, GIScience
and Remote Sensing, 46(2), 139-160.
Mishra, D., Narumalani, S., Rundquist, D., and Lawson, M., 2007,
Enhancing the detection and classification of coral reef and
associated benthic habitats: A hyperspectral remote sensing
approach, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C08014,