Welcome! This page will tell you more about our research, teaching and opportunities for students.
Issues of water resources sustainability and ecology are the primary concerns of the 21st century. Extensive groundwater use leads to stream depletion in many parts of the world. Nebraska is currently one of the top groundwater users in the U.S.
Current research is focused on groundwater-surface water interactions. Our vast laboratory space includes the Nebraska Sand Hills, the largest in the western hemisphere vegetated dune field, and the Platte River and Republican River watersheds. These environments are models of many land use and climate changes that occur all over the globe. The groundwater-surface water interactions control dynamics of water quantity and water quality of numerous streams, shallow lakes, lake ecology, and dust emissions.
Our arsenal of methods and models for water resources research includes computer modeling, spatial GIS analysis, remote sensing, hydraulic aquifer characterization, and shallow geophysics.
Nebraska graduates from our Hydrogeology specialization enjoy rewarding careers worldwide.